Mitthu Ki Pathshala, recognised by Government of Uttar Pradesh, is a Co- Educational English medium school from Pre-Nursery to 8th class located in village Bisola, Tehsil Mawana, District Meerut - 250401. It is appx 21 km from Meerut.
The school is owned and managed by a NGO “Dr Garima Singh Foundation” (, which is registered under section 8 of The Companies Act.
The school is currently providing following items to all children, without any charge
These items are being donated by the NGO "Dr. Garima Singh Foundation".
Total Strength of children: 410
Staff (Teaching - Full Time / Part Time - Volunteer): 19
Staff (Non-teaching): 08
Vehicle for school (Hired & Owned): 06
Mithu ki Pathshala’s noble foundation is laid down on the key principles set upon the glorified legacy left behind by Dr. Garima Singh, lovingly called “Mithu” who exemplified the true spirit of a mighty comrade who strived for perfection and goodness confronting all the odds with utmost courage, sheer hard work and relentless perseverance. She went on to acquire virtuous educational and professional achievements despite her poor health and exhibit the maximum human potential and spirit. She always aspire to create the highest and finest good and value in the field of education to serve the society for betterment. She completed her schooling from Sophia Girls School, Meerut (ICSE Board), B.Tech from Amity University Noida, M.E. in Biotechnology from BITS Pilani and Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from Shiv Nadar University Gautam Buddh Nagar (Noida). She left us untimely on 15th August 2020 at the age of 32 years. “Mithu ki Pathshala” is our first step to realize the “Golden Goal of a Golden Girl” by imparting the same hope which she instilled in everyone who was in need.
She always pondered upon the purpose on which one must use their wisdom and resources and how one can make a life worth to live? In her opinion, by regress hard work and absolute and selfless devotion to one’s mission, life becomes worthy and full of joy.